


Our first point of contact MSK service is delivered together with HCRG Care Group.

Musculoskeletal first contact practitioners are physiotherapists with enhanced skills. They can help patients with musculoskeletal issues such as back, neck and joint pain by assessing and diagnosing issues and giving expert advice on how best to manage these.

How do I get an appointment?

Please contact your reception team and ask for an “MSK first point of contact appointment”

Your appointment will be at the Hatters Health HUB, Sundon Park Health Centre, 10th Avenue, LU3 3EP.

What can they see?

  • Muscle/joint pain in any part of the body:
  • Back, neck & shoulder
  • Elbow, hands & fingers
  • Trunk & hips
  • Knees, ankles, feet & toes
  • Any injuries - sprains and strains
  • Arthritis or suspected age-related changes
  • Neck/Back pain including sciatica, leg pain, pins and needles, numbness

What can they do?

  • You will receive a detailed assessment and treatment plan 
  • They can organise appropriate onward referrals or investigations if needed

Support and self-care advice can be accessed on the following websites:


